Wednesday 10 February 2016

Cony 2015 big plan (draft)

The draft of today post on Instagram.
Hope Cony could complete her plan in 2016.
And find the browniebank too.

Draft for:

Not too late to review 2015 plan. Jan: Cony planned to buy watch, started to save money. Jun: Short of cash, took some from piggy bank. Dec: No piggy bank, no money, no new watch...Hope Cony could get her plan done in 2016.

農曆新年前夕,還來得及回顧2015年未完成的計畫。2015一月: 兔兔 存錢要買新手錶,六月: 拿錢應急,十二月: 熊大 撲滿 不見了,沒錢買新手錶...希望2016年兔兔能實現計畫。 

コニー ブラウン 貯金箱